Purifier Man offers residential servicing and commercial services for:
- Hospitals
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Doctor/Dental Offices
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Schools
- Churches
- Office Buildings
- Gyms
- Salons & Barbershops
- Industrial/Manufacture Spaces
- Transporttation
- Airbnbs
- & More
We customize our services to meet the specific needs of your family, workplace, and business - all while promising superior quality partnered with reliable professional service.
Our service is not only a clinical win combatting viruses, allergens, etc. but affordable for all; you can opt for our discounted services on a weekly, monthly or quarterly annual contract. The more frequent you use our service the deeper the discount. We customize our services to meet your specific needs with flexibility.
We issue your or your business a Certificated Clean Certificate with an expiration date to showcase that you have went the extra mile to keep your family, work family, clients and customers safe with the Purifier Man Service.
Of course, you can always call us as needed with no contracts to access our 24/7 rapid response service.